Tuesday, March 31, 2009

spicks 'n specks matthew 7:1-12

  • Marcus Einfeld...for a $77 fine you are going to spend 2 years in gaol. What a hypocrite. I guess it goes to show that you can't trust anyone...
  • And speaking of hypocrites, how about Bono? I bet he only helps those starving Africans so that he can sell more records...
  • And speaking of foreigners...they come over here and they don't assimilate...
  • And what is it with those kids every Sunday? Can't their mum keep them under control? Absent father probably...
  • And how about that reader stumbling over a few words...I could do better...
  • And did you hear about that Christian who did that thing...how can they call themselves a Christian?
These things...these opinions...these truths...they just roll off people's tongues. They're broadcast on talkback radio and ushered in Churches over a cuppa tea and a bun. But Jesus declares that if you are a citizen of his kingdom then this is how you must think and respond to others...

So in everything do to others as you would want them to do to you for this sums up the Law and the Prophets 7:12

It'd be tempting to think that the verse we need to keep in the forefront of our minds is "Do not judge or you too will be judged" but that rule falls under this one. In fact every other rule comes underneath this rule. It is not called the Golden Rule for nothing. We are to positively seek the good of others.

So if we go back to the beginning...

  • Marcus Einfeld...if my sins were public I'd want someone to be there for me. So that's what I should do...I should pray
  • Bono...I shouldn't worry about how much you give but how much I do...
  • Those foreigners...I should greet them...I mean if I was in their country that's what I would want them to do for me
  • That mum and dad with the crazy kids...I should sacrifice my time so that they can have a night on the town...that's what I should I do
  • That reader who stumbled over a few words - big deal...I should put myself on the roster...I should serve
  • To that Christian who did that stupid thing...hey I do stupid things too...I would want them to forgive me so that's what I should do...

Pray...Give...Greet...Sacrifice...Serve...Forgive...these are but some of things we are to do to others because we sure as heck would want them to do them for us.

So in summing up how we should live for the kingdom Jesus says, "Go and do."

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