Monday, March 9, 2009

jesus on obedience matthew 5:17-48

When Jesus says "Be perfect as your heavenly father is perfect" he's got to be kidding right? Who on earth can be that perfect?

Well the Pharisees had a shot at the title with their rules upon rules upon rules upon God's commands in the pursuit of perfection. However like our best efforts they too fell short of God's perfection.

So if the Pharisees aren't good enough where does that leave us? Rather than driving us to despair Jesus' words drive us to himself, to trust in his perfection. By being poor in spirit mourning our sin and humbling ourselves God welcomes us into his kingdom 5:3-5. Through Jesus we are made perfect.

So how should we live? Simple - be perfect. We should make it our goal to hunger and thirst for righteousness 5:6. Whether it's what goes into our heart 5:28 or comes out of our mouths 5:37; or in our relationships 5:31 even those who are our enemies 5:38-47 Jesus calls us to be perfect in all of life.

Whilst it may sound impossible...we can be perfect by remembering that we have the Spirit, the whole of Scripture 5:20 and of course the Son 28:20. Therefore, believe it or not, we can pursue perfection. Let's get to it.

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