Monday, March 16, 2009

jesus on religion matthew 6:1-18

In my scripture class when things get a little out of hand I call out "All eyes to me!" I then wait until everyone has stopped what they are doing and have turned and are focusing on me.

Now whilst that's a good way to discipline a rowdy scripture class it's not a good way to live out your faith in Jesus. Rather than "All eyes to me" he calls us to do our acts of righteousness with the attitude of "All eyes to God". Jesus says...

"Be careful not to do your acts of righteousness before men, to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven" 6:1

Hang on. Is this a contradiction of what Jesus said earlier?

"Let your light shine before men that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven" 4:16

So are we to do our righteous acts so that others can see them or not?

Well there is no contradiction as the difference is in the motive. We can either do our acts of righteousness to be seen by others or we can do these to point people to God. If you want to seek the praise of people then go ahead God won't reward you 6:1, 5, 16. But if you are seeking to point people to him then you will be rewarded 6:4, 6, 18. That is, people will be pointed to God.

So what motivates you? Whether it's giving to the needy or praying or fasting or any number of other religious things that you do, are you seeking the praise of others or to point people to Jesus?

I hope you are not wanting "All eyes to me" but "All eyes towards him."


  1. How do v14-15 fit with v5-13? That is, why does Jesus start talking about forgiveness when this last section has been about how you pray, in the context of having the right motives ... not being a hypocrite?

    Is Jesus simply expanding on v12-13 (if so...why?) or is there more to it than that?

    Sorry, Luke, if you already dealt with this on Sunday ... was busy with toddlers!

  2. I think that vs 14-15 fit the same way that vs 11-12 fit into chapter 5. He has been talking about an issue and wants to make an extended comment on that issue. I think that both places should almost have brackets around them.

    I think that both pairs of verses are explaining something that is difficult to put into practice and therefore needs to be reinforced.
