Friday, April 10, 2009

the saviour and his sermon matthew 7:13-29

You’d have to say that Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount ends on a downer. There’s talk of destruction v13, fire v19, evildoers v23, storms v25 and houses falling with a great crash v27.

Why doesn’t it end all chirpy?

You realise that Jesus hasn’t been delivering a series of ethical titbits on how to live a good moral life but is calling for absolute trust in him. This in turn, means absolute allegiance in living his kingdom values.

And so it's time to choose - which road are you on v13, 14? The road to life or the road to destruction?

Which tree is going to bear fruit v15-20? One of self righteousness or right living for God?

Which house are you going to build v24-29? Is your foundation on Jesus' words or on things that moth and rust destroy or where thieves break in and steal?

It's time to's time to see Jesus' kingdom come.

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