Monday, March 2, 2009

the kingdom has come - matthew 4

Jesus declares "Repent and believe for the kingdom of heaven is near" 4:17. With a statement like that can he back it up?

Well, Jesus' temptation in the wilderness shows that whereas Israel failed he was faithful 4:10. God's true king has arrived. Also, by setting up home amongst the Gentiles 4:12-16 Jesus shows that the kingdom has come for all. Finally his preaching and teaching tour backed up by great healings shows that the kingdom has come in power 4:23-25. More so, the good news goes out and people and Jesus reels them in 4:24. So we can see that kingdom is indeed near.

And speaking of reeling them in, Jesus calls fishermen to follow him. At once they drop their nets get out of their boats leave their family business behind and follow 4:18-22. The kingdom has a cost and these ordinary unschooled men are prepared to pay (see Acts 4:13). They are ready to be fishers of men 4:19. He calls us to do the same today.

Yes that may sound a bit scary but remember Jesus' closing words in Matthew "Go and make disciples of all nations...and I will be with you always until the end of the age" 28:20. Immanuel, God is with us, what are you waiting for? Go fish...and reel 'em in.

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