Tuesday, March 31, 2009

spicks 'n specks matthew 7:1-12

  • Marcus Einfeld...for a $77 fine you are going to spend 2 years in gaol. What a hypocrite. I guess it goes to show that you can't trust anyone...
  • And speaking of hypocrites, how about Bono? I bet he only helps those starving Africans so that he can sell more records...
  • And speaking of foreigners...they come over here and they don't assimilate...
  • And what is it with those kids every Sunday? Can't their mum keep them under control? Absent father probably...
  • And how about that reader stumbling over a few words...I could do better...
  • And did you hear about that Christian who did that thing...how can they call themselves a Christian?
These things...these opinions...these truths...they just roll off people's tongues. They're broadcast on talkback radio and ushered in Churches over a cuppa tea and a bun. But Jesus declares that if you are a citizen of his kingdom then this is how you must think and respond to others...

So in everything do to others as you would want them to do to you for this sums up the Law and the Prophets 7:12

It'd be tempting to think that the verse we need to keep in the forefront of our minds is "Do not judge or you too will be judged" but that rule falls under this one. In fact every other rule comes underneath this rule. It is not called the Golden Rule for nothing. We are to positively seek the good of others.

So if we go back to the beginning...

  • Marcus Einfeld...if my sins were public I'd want someone to be there for me. So that's what I should do...I should pray
  • Bono...I shouldn't worry about how much you give but how much I do...
  • Those foreigners...I should greet them...I mean if I was in their country that's what I would want them to do for me
  • That mum and dad with the crazy kids...I should sacrifice my time so that they can have a night on the town...that's what I should I do
  • That reader who stumbled over a few words - big deal...I should put myself on the roster...I should serve
  • To that Christian who did that stupid thing...hey I do stupid things too...I would want them to forgive me so that's what I should do...

Pray...Give...Greet...Sacrifice...Serve...Forgive...these are but some of things we are to do to others because we sure as heck would want them to do them for us.

So in summing up how we should live for the kingdom Jesus says, "Go and do."

Monday, March 23, 2009

two to choose from - matthew 6:19-34

The NRMA are running with a campaign called "Unworry". They are compelling us to unworry about life, the universe and insurance. But their slogan is not new. Jesus himself declared many years ago to "Unworry". To begin with he said...

"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal." 6:19

I guess you could add become obsolete, destroyed by bushfires and ruined by the world financial crisis. Jesus is telling us things we already know. But still we chase these things.

We also live in a world where we chase after food and fashion. We have what we need yet we still want more, seeking another knitted top or pair of shoes. We are constantly dazzled yet ultimately bewildered by the array of food on offer at shopping centre Food Courts "What do you want for lunch?" "I don't know, there's so much to choose from..."

So what is the antidote for all this meaningless chasing? Jesus compels us to store up treasures in heaven...

"But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." 6:20, 21

Our treasure in heaven is locked away in heaven; even death can't take it away. And knowing that this is our future enables us to "unworry" about the present. Jesus says...

"So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' For the pagans run after all these things and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well..." 6:31-33

Jesus wants to free us up from worry by trusting in our heavenly Father. He will look after us. In turn we can invest our time and energy into things that are eternal not temporary, things of God's kingdom and not mine.

So let us "unworry" not because NRMA said so but Jesus said so. It's time to see his kingdom come.

Good morning...and welcome to Evening Church

A very big thank you to all those who attended, helped out and celebrated last night's combined evening service. As someone said, "It feels like Christmas!" Indeed it did.

So whether you cooked, served, provided supper, stacked chairs, cleaned up afterwards or did a myriad of other things, your service was most appreciated.

Monday, March 16, 2009

jesus on religion matthew 6:1-18

In my scripture class when things get a little out of hand I call out "All eyes to me!" I then wait until everyone has stopped what they are doing and have turned and are focusing on me.

Now whilst that's a good way to discipline a rowdy scripture class it's not a good way to live out your faith in Jesus. Rather than "All eyes to me" he calls us to do our acts of righteousness with the attitude of "All eyes to God". Jesus says...

"Be careful not to do your acts of righteousness before men, to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven" 6:1

Hang on. Is this a contradiction of what Jesus said earlier?

"Let your light shine before men that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven" 4:16

So are we to do our righteous acts so that others can see them or not?

Well there is no contradiction as the difference is in the motive. We can either do our acts of righteousness to be seen by others or we can do these to point people to God. If you want to seek the praise of people then go ahead God won't reward you 6:1, 5, 16. But if you are seeking to point people to him then you will be rewarded 6:4, 6, 18. That is, people will be pointed to God.

So what motivates you? Whether it's giving to the needy or praying or fasting or any number of other religious things that you do, are you seeking the praise of others or to point people to Jesus?

I hope you are not wanting "All eyes to me" but "All eyes towards him."

Monday, March 9, 2009

jesus on obedience matthew 5:17-48

When Jesus says "Be perfect as your heavenly father is perfect" he's got to be kidding right? Who on earth can be that perfect?

Well the Pharisees had a shot at the title with their rules upon rules upon rules upon God's commands in the pursuit of perfection. However like our best efforts they too fell short of God's perfection.

So if the Pharisees aren't good enough where does that leave us? Rather than driving us to despair Jesus' words drive us to himself, to trust in his perfection. By being poor in spirit mourning our sin and humbling ourselves God welcomes us into his kingdom 5:3-5. Through Jesus we are made perfect.

So how should we live? Simple - be perfect. We should make it our goal to hunger and thirst for righteousness 5:6. Whether it's what goes into our heart 5:28 or comes out of our mouths 5:37; or in our relationships 5:31 even those who are our enemies 5:38-47 Jesus calls us to be perfect in all of life.

Whilst it may sound impossible...we can be perfect by remembering that we have the Spirit, the whole of Scripture 5:20 and of course the Son 28:20. Therefore, believe it or not, we can pursue perfection. Let's get to it.

Monday, March 2, 2009

the kingdom has come - matthew 4

Jesus declares "Repent and believe for the kingdom of heaven is near" 4:17. With a statement like that can he back it up?

Well, Jesus' temptation in the wilderness shows that whereas Israel failed he was faithful 4:10. God's true king has arrived. Also, by setting up home amongst the Gentiles 4:12-16 Jesus shows that the kingdom has come for all. Finally his preaching and teaching tour backed up by great healings shows that the kingdom has come in power 4:23-25. More so, the good news goes out and people and Jesus reels them in 4:24. So we can see that kingdom is indeed near.

And speaking of reeling them in, Jesus calls fishermen to follow him. At once they drop their nets get out of their boats leave their family business behind and follow 4:18-22. The kingdom has a cost and these ordinary unschooled men are prepared to pay (see Acts 4:13). They are ready to be fishers of men 4:19. He calls us to do the same today.

Yes that may sound a bit scary but remember Jesus' closing words in Matthew "Go and make disciples of all nations...and I will be with you always until the end of the age" 28:20. Immanuel, God is with us always...so, what are you waiting for? Go fish...and reel 'em in.

jesus on attitude - matthew 5:1-16

After his preaching teaching and healing Jesus goes up a mountain to find a bit of peace and quiet and to blow the minds of his disciples on what it means to live for his kingdom.

Jesus' Sermon on the Mount is no ordinary talk. It is not a grab bag of ethics or a good living guide on how to live "the happy life". On the contrary Jesus declares do these things and there is a good chance someone will want to wipe the smile off your face 5:12. Rather in his 15min talk he declares how one enters the kingdom 5:3-5 and how one lives as a member. Jesus compels them to listen to his words 5:2 and to put them into practice 5:6 (see also 7:24).

For their troubles the disciple may be persecuted 5:11 or they may bring praise 5:16. Whatever the response Jesus calls his disciples to live for the kingdom; to be merciful, peacemakers, hungering to live God's way; he calls on them to be lights, cities and salt 5:13-16. Jesus' disciples are to stand out. The kingdom has come; it's time to show the world what the kingdom is like.