Monday, February 2, 2009

thy kingdom come - matthew 1-7

welcome to the space to place your questions and comments about the Matthew 1-7 studies. These can range from the background to the Gospel eg audience, structure etc to a question in the study being clarified. More than happy to help. So feel free to leave a comment and we'll get back to you asap.


  1. Thanks for setting this up Costa. Hopefully everyone will be able to find their way here. I trust that you will be checking for questions very, very late at night on the evenings before we have the studies.

  2. Hi, I was wondering how we should best understand the idea of being a'peacemaker' - particularly in light of the fact that the passage goes on to talk about how being a Christian will inevitably lead to opposition. Phil

  3. Hi, Simon here. I think what Paul says in Romans 12:18 is helpful - "as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everybody". We do not invite persecution, but we should expect it because we belong to Jesus. The gospel is a divisive thing (as is simply belonging to Jesus - John 15:18-21), but I think we are told to give people no other legitimate 'gripe' against us.
    See also - 1 Peter 2:11-25 esp. v12, 3:16.
    Our dealings with people should always be gracious, forgiving, loving and with a desire to maintain peaceful good relationships. But Even in this passage we see two conflicting reactions to kingdom people - there are those who will praise our father when they see our good works (5:16), others will persecute & insult (5:10-11). Peacemaking and unity are not the virtues that trump all others. Faithfulness to Jesus comes first. So we strive for peace while recognising that who we now are in Christ will sometimes make that impossible.
