Tuesday, February 10, 2009

birth of the king - matthew 1, 2

It's the same ol' story year in year out - a baby is born, Bethlehem is the town, there's Mary and Joseph and some wise men coming to visit. It's the Christmas story and it gets retold every year. But in the opening chapters of his gospel Matthew is not just retelling a cute nativity scene but heralds the arrival of God's Son, Messiah, Saviour and King. As such, it's a story that shouldn't be reserved just for the 25th of December. Rather this is good news all year round.


  1. What did Jesus mean when he said that he had to be baptised to "fulfil all righteousness"?

  2. A great question ... and a hard one to find a good answer to.

    There was no law requiring that people be baptised. So he certainly doesn't mean that he has fulfilled what the law required.

    I think that he is talking about "being the Israel who is fully devoted to God". John (the Elijah figure) is calling Israel to turn their heart to God. Jesus is showing that he is the fulfillment of what Israel should be ... someone wholeheartedly devoted to God.

    Interesting to look at Deuteronomy 30:1-6.
