Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Snapshots of the kingdom Matthew 13 and 14

There have been numerous world events that have been captured for all to see...
  • The moon landing
  • Live AID
  • The fall of the Berlin Wall
  • Nelson Mandela's walk to freedom
  • Brant Webb and Todd Russell's amazing escape from a mine in Beaconsfield
  • September 11
All these and more, have been recorded and documented. But what about God's kingdom - can you film it? Beam it across the globe? Tune into it? Snap and upload it to the web? What does God's kingdom look like?

Jesus' parables in this section of Matthew are snapshots of God's kingdom...
  • It looks small but is growing like a mustard seed into a tree Mt 13:31 or like yeast working its way through dough Mt 13:33
  • God's kingdom is the most valuable thing of all. Like a man who sold all that he had to buy a great field Mt 13:44 or the merchant who sold all for that one precious pearl Mt 13:45
So what will our response be to God's kingdom? Will we...
  • Allow the devil to snatch away the good news of the kingdom Mt 13:1
  • Will we turn away because of Jesus Mt 13:21
  • Will we get carried away by how good things are Mt 13:22
  • Or, will we hear the word take it to heart and go produce a crop Mt 13:23
If we have ears to hear then we will hear, go, and produce a good crop.

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