Sunday, May 10, 2009

Making the unclean clean Mark 1:40-2:17

Ben Southall is one lucky man. He's been chosen to receive the world's best job - working on the Great Barrier Reef. His job description includes feeding the fish, collecting the mail and cleaning the pool all from the tough surrounds of the numerous islands of the reef. Tough gig eh?

Jesus too had a job description. He says...

"It is not the healthy who need a doctor but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous but sinners" 2:17

It'd be tempting to think that Jesus' job description was for people like...Damir Dokic...Matty Johns...Marcus Einfeld or the two Ascham girls caught cyberbullying. That it was for sickos like these Jesus came to make well. However Jesus' interactions with three people show that he came to make all of us well.

To the leper Jesus says "I am willing be clean" 1:41
To the paralytic Jesus declares "Son your sins are forgiven..." 2:5
To Levi the despised tax collector Jesus says "Follow me..." 2:14

So what is Jesus' job description? Was to enable us to be spiritually in tune? To help us in our journey? No. It was to make the unclean clean. All your sins - past, present and future - forgiven and forgotten by putting your faith and trust in Jesus.

And this is very good news. If you type "forgiveness" into google you receive 13 million hits. has over 181, 000 books on the subject. It seems that the world is crying out to be made clean. The good news is that in Jesus the unclean can be made clean.

So if you are a follower of Jesus your sins have been forgiven and forgotten. Remember that always. And be willing to share this good news. Remember Levi who invited other sinners over to his place to have dinner with Jesus. This was in an era before Twitter and SMS and email and blogs like was just word of mouth. He simply got talking about who Jesus was and what he had done. And that was to make the unclean clean.

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