Thursday, July 9, 2009

Who is this man? mark 10:46-52

Hobbies. Some people collect stamps, coins, records, magazines even belly button fluff. Personally I collect pictures of Jesus. I have pictures of Jesus playing hockey, as a baby, as a woman, as a Rastafarian, as a revolutionary, as a refugee, as an astronaut, as a...the list goes on and on. Why do I collect these? I am intrigued as to how people portray Jesus. I am amazed at the array of how people perceive who Jesus is.

Now this is not a new thing. Throughout the book of Mark people have different perceptions as to who Jesus is...
  • I know who you are - you are the Holy One of God! 5:7
  • Isn't this the carpenter's son? 6:3
  • Some say you are John the Baptist or Elijah or another prophet 8:28
  • You are the Christ 8:29
Everyone sees Jesus differently in Mark. But of all the people in the gospel the one with the best eyesight is ironically blind. He sees exactly who Jesus is...
  • And when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth he began to shout "Jesus Son of David have mercy on me..." 10:47
Some say that Jesus of Nazareth is heading the blind man's way but he sees that it's Jesus Son of David, God's promised Saviour and King. Though he is blind he can see that the Son of David is about to enter the City of David. So how did he see who Jesus was? Via eyes of faith...
  • Go, your faith has healed you 10:52
It is through eyes of faith that enable not only the blind man but anyone to see who Jesus is. And knowing that in a week's time after this healing Jesus will be'd be tempting to see him hanging there and think "The good die young..." or "Proof that the world is a rotten place..." or "He was man who stood up for his principles..." That'd be seeing but not perceiving. Rather through eyes of faith you can see that God sent his Son Jesus, his King to die on the cross for us bringing mercy to all those who have their trust in him.

So who do you think Jesus is?