Monday, June 29, 2009

Nothing like great service

Nicholas was born to wealthy parents in 280AD in what is known modern day Turkey. He lost his parents when he a boy but not before they had instilled in him the teachings of Jesus. Nicholas grew and devoted his life to following Jesus. When he was older the town he was living in needed a bishop, Nicholas was elected. But he was no Church official tucked away in an office. He used to beg for food and money to give to the poor. He would don a disguise and go out and give gifts to poor children. He gave away everything that he had. For his troubles Nicholas was imprisoned by the Emperor Diocletian and at the age of 34 he died.

Though it was short Nicholas' life story has spread around the world. Sadly people have done strange things to it. Years later someone gave him a red suit, a team of reindeer and had him climbing down chimneys. Years later someone else pictured him sculling Coca Cola. Somehow the story of Nicholas became St Nicholas which became Santa Claus.

It is sad that the original story has been lost. Though Nicholas was first he put himself last. Though he was a bishop it didn't stop him from being a servant. Why is that? Nicholas knew that this is what Jesus was...

Mark 10:45 For even the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many

Nicholas was following Jesus' example. Jesus did not come to be pampered but to pay the price; to give his life for us. And he calls us to do the same...

Mark 10:42, 43 You know that those who are regarded as rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them. Not so with you. Instead whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant.

Jesus doesn't ask to be anything he wasn't. Just as he served us he calls us to serve one another.

William Booth the founder of the Salvation Army sent a one word telegram to encourage fellow Sallies in their work. That one word was "Others".

Just as Jesus served us let us serve others.